How do I find the perfect sunglasses? The best tips!

Sunglasses come in many different colors and shapes. Not only do they serve to protect the eyes from UV rays, but they are also a popular accessory and a fashion item. The sunglasses are not only part of the outfit in summer. But it should also fit your own type. But how do you find out what type of sunglasses you are? Below you will find good tips on how to find the perfect sunglasses.

The matching sunglasses according to the face shape

When choosing the right sunglasses, not only your own taste plays a role, but other factors such as the shape of the face are decisive. The face can be divided into the following forms:

  • Square

  • Around

  • Oval

  • Heart Shaped

So, in order to know which sunglasses suit you best, you should find out what your face shape is. The frame of the sunglasses should contrast with the facial features.

Which sunglasses fit the square face?

With the angular face shape, the forehead, chin and cheeks are about the same width. Sunglasses with round or oval lenses are well suited here, because they leave the face or. The angular contours appear less strict. You look much softer and softer. In addition, fine or rimless frames loosen the strict facial features. You should not necessarily choose angular glasses.

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What sunglasses are suitable for a round face?

With a round face, all parts of the face are evenly shaped. The forehead and cheeks are about the same width and the chin is rounder. Here you should choose a model with angular glasses. It gives more contour to the shape of the face, makes it appear narrower and forms a good contrast. You shouldn't choose sunglasses with circular or oval lenses, because you add emphasis to the round face shape.

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Which sunglasses fit the oval face?

An oval face looks particularly harmonious due to the balanced proportions. The forehead and chin are slightly narrower and the cheeks more pronounced. If you have an oval face, almost any sunglasses suit you. Angular glasses create more distinctive contours and round frames create soft features. The glasses should just not be too wide for the face.

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What sunglasses are suitable for a heart-shaped face?

With the heart-shaped face shape, the broad forehead, the pronounced cheekbones and the rather narrow and pointed chin are typical. Here, filigree frames and round or oval glasses are suitable, because they visually bring the broad forehead and the narrow chin into balance and flatter the face. Angular glasses should not be chosen with this face shape, because this makes the face look even more distinctive.

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Just following the trend makes little sense with sunglasses, because they should fit your own face shape so that it actually looks good. In addition, there is what look you want to create with your glasses. So oversize sunglasses can be a real eye-catcher. The color of the glasses is more a matter of taste. It can also be tailored to clothing and skin and hair color. Athletes like to choose orange glasses, while they are not necessarily suitable for road traffic. For many people, sunglasses with brown lenses look very good, as the color is soft and flattering and goes with most colors. Ultimately, in addition to the look, sunglasses are of course also about protecting the eyes effectively. The glasses should be large enough to keep them all around from the rays of the sun.

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1 comment

  • Johannes

    Super erklärt und für eine Laie wie mich sehr Hilfreich :D

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